
Christoph LI
Recalling the 100-year changes in Chinese women’s clothing
The female flag combed flags, dressed in cheongsam and high-footed shoes with ankles.
The picture shows the Manchu women in the court in the late Qing Dynasty.
The late Qing Dynasty, influenced by Western society, women's clothing was also affected. The short became a tall collar, loosened tightly, and made sexy.
This picture shows the early Republic of China
In the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the female students’ clothing was also the first to take the lead. The picture shows a girl graduated from Beijing Huiwen University Hall in 1907.
After 1925, due to the lack of any decoration of "civilized new clothes", it could not last long and it was declining. Women’s clothes have become more colorful and colorful, and have produced many factions.
In 1930s, women were influenced by western culture, and they were obsessed with the theory of equality between men and women. Therefore, the cheongsam of the first time was a bitter and cold.
The picture shows female students who were wearing perm and dressed in cheongsam in the 1930s.
In the 1950s, among the female cadres in New China, there were popular tunics and Lenin outfits introduced from the Soviet Union. Wearing overalls has also become a fashion, young girls fall in love with overalls and plaid shirts.
In the era of the Cultural Revolution, young women responded to Mao Zedong’s call to “do not love Red makeup and love”. The cheongsam at this time has been considered to be a symbol of the closure of a large number of repairs. The picture shows the Chinese Red Guards in 1971.
In 1979, the French clothing brand Pierre Cardin entered China. In the 1980s, with the deepening of reform and opening up, there has been a change in the field of clothing.
Thank you for watching.

案例 北京 上海 广州 深圳 天津 杭州 南京 济南 重庆 青岛 大连 宁波 厦门 成都 武汉 沈阳 西安 长春 长沙 福州 郑州 苏州 佛山 东莞 无锡 烟台 太原 合肥 南昌 南宁 昆明 温州 淄博 唐山 贵阳 海口 兰州 银川 西宁 泉州 包头 南通 大庆 徐州 潍坊 常州 绍兴 济宁 盐城 邯郸 临沂 洛阳 东营 扬州 台州 嘉兴 沧州 榆林 泰州 镇江 昆山 江阴 义乌 金华 保定 鞍山 泰安 宜昌 襄阳 中山 惠州 南阳 威海 德州 岳阳 聊城 常德 漳州 滨州 茂名 淮安 江门 芜湖 湛江 廊坊 菏泽 柳州 宝鸡 珠海 绵阳 株洲 枣庄 许昌 通辽 湖州 新乡 咸阳 松原 安阳 周口 焦作 赤峰 邢台 郴州 宿迁 赣州 桂林 肇庆 曲靖 九江 商丘 汕头 信阳 营口 揭阳 龙岩 安庆 日照 遵义 三明 长治 湘潭 德阳 南充 乐山 达州 盘锦 延安 上饶 锦州 宜春 宜宾 吕梁 抚顺 临汾 渭南 开封 莆田 荆州 黄冈 四平 承德 本溪 玉林 孝感 荆门 宁德 运城 绥化 永州 怀化 黄石 泸州 清远 邵阳 衡水 益阳 丹东 铁岭 晋城 朔州 吉安 娄底 玉溪 辽阳 南平 濮阳 晋中 资阳 衢州 内江 滁州 阜阳 十堰 大同 朝阳 六安 宿州 通化 蚌埠 韶关 丽水 自贡 阳江 毕节 拉萨 昌吉 哈密 伊宁 喀什 晋江 增城 诸暨 丹阳 玉环 常熟 崇明 余姚 奉化 海宁 浏阳 大理 丽江 普洱 保山 邵通 西昌 雅安 广安 广元 巴中 遂宁 天水 酒泉 武威 张掖 北海 百色 桐城 哈尔滨 石家庄 乌鲁木齐 呼和浩特 鄂尔多斯 张家港 连云港 平顶山 驻马店 呼伦贝尔 张家口 马鞍山 齐齐哈尔 三门峡 秦皇岛 牡丹江 都江堰 攀枝花 克拉玛依 库尔勒 阿克苏 石河子 嘉峪关 石嘴山
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